From: brett harwood <>
Date: Mon Jun 12, 2000 6:10 am
Subject: Re: [streams-online] cycle of relief & development

I have not heard Warren's lecture on the cycle of relief and development but would like to. I think I saw Warren's address on the forums list.

(Warren if you read this, would you be willing to post your notes for us to read?)

I am assuming that a "trigger agent" is an event that prompts emergency relief ?

The response to war and civil war would be assessed the same a natural catastrophe. A sudden onset war (like the bombing of Yugoslavia - Kosovo) that displaces - injures a large population would require rapid "emergency relief". Another scenario would be a long drawn out civil war ( Guatemala, more that 30 years) where emergency relief may not always be appropriate or at least short lived in places where a violent event or movement of people has occurred.

The real question for me (and has been for many years) when is the best time to transition from emergency relief to rehabilitation ?

In some cases I think we have stopped the availability of housing, food, and medical care in an appropriate time frame but mostly I am sorry to confess, we provided these services way past the time we should have. I have lived in regions where we have done this and was able to witness how we fostered destructive dependency and other negative problems. Greed - diminished work ethic - diminished survival skills etc.....

It is a huge temptation for a Christian (me) to keep "giving" because we are motivated by compassion and are close enough to be personally affected by the suffering. I more conscious about this transition time line but would like some guidelines on the subject -- any help would be appreciated.

Brett Harwood