From: "M. Colwell" <>
Date: Wed Jun 14, 2000 12:31 am
Subject: Transition of relief to development?

Forum friends,

Re Brett's question:
The real question for me (and has been for many years) when is the best time to transition from emergency relief to rehabilitation ?

I have followed this discussion on R & D and have wanted to comment for some time.

I too have not seen Warren's article, but would like to. However, I understand that it is not appropriate to speak of a transition from emergency relief to development. Apples do not become pears! I do not know of any 'development' has happened via a 'relief' project. The two community processes are radically different - one tending towards dependence and emphasising the giving of relief, the other fostering independence and promoting self-help. Accordingly, I feel it is not appropriate to ask 'What is R & D?' Rather, we should ask 'What are relief and development?'

The two processes may exist in a community at the same time. A relief project may cease and a development project may commence. But it seems to me that relief cannot transition into development.

With God's blessing

Matt Colwell
YWAM Tasmania