From: "=?ISO-8859-1?Q?tommy_mascari=F1as?=" <>
To: <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 12:54:11 +0800
Subject: Re: [Streams-Online] Cultural Barriers

I guess that before Paul would adopt a particular approach he would first try to understand his target people. If you agree, then let me ask 'Why do we in the Church of Jesus Christ so often fail to understand those outside the Kingdom?'

I think, there are at least 3 reasons:
1. Because of IGNORANCE - the lack of understanding to one basic rule of communication which is to listen in order to LEARN. I think Paul did that. But most of us, upon entering a culture, would immediately assume the role of a teacher, preacher or a discipler without first taking time to learn our target people's culture in order for us to have an adequate understanding of them which would form the basis of a friendly and healthy communication.

2. Because of our IMPERIAL ATTITUDE. Like the Israelites, the Church has developed an ethnocentric feeling towards those outside God's Kingdom, which is a sad reality. Most of us feel we are a better, holier and a superior breed, and that our way of doing things is THE right or proper way, forgetting the fact that we are only saved by grace and must minister by grace. Such attitude makes the task of understanding the target people's culture an unnecessary endeavor.

3. Because of the PAROCHIAL VIEW of sharing the good news that says, "Just preach the Word and let God do the rest." "We do not need to adorn the gospel." There is a degree of irresponsibility in that. Even Jesus learned how to contextualize by becoming a man. A communication paradigm says, "The messenger is the message." Everything that we do is a statement. Our "statements" determine the fruitfulness or fruitlessness of our noble intentions. They either bless or curse our target people.

Blessings to you Rob.