[S/O Most Significant Posting # 38]

From: "Beram Kumar" <sbks@pc.jaring.my>
To: <Streams-Online@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 17:50:23 +0800
Subject: Re: [Streams-Online] dependency

Excellent question by our friends from Ethiopia.

Personally, I don't really feel that dependency is as big as a problem as we make it out to be sometimes ... at least not as big as the lack of long-term strategy by those of us offering help. I feel the latter is the true problem ..solve that and we will have won a considerable amount of the challenge of the former.

Peopl often don't have a choice (either real or perceived) but depend on us UNTIL we have drawn up clear plans for the near, medium and long term future for self-sustenance and having drawn up these plans, walk with them ...hold their hands and take them through the first crucial steps of "self reliance" ....putting tools, skills & capital. If we are not deliberate in this, how can we honestly expect them to be self reliant ...and avoid "dependency" ?

I am fully aware of the trap faced by ministries of getting into projects like this with no end at sight. I have my fair share of this struggle. But my "self-searching" has led me to a place to discern between ;

- "do the needs exist for the sake of our ministry"; or
- "do we exist for the sake of the need"

When I put the people in the middle of the project, I am surprised with the number of "principles" that take the back seat.

My "two cents worth" to our YWAM friends in Ethiopia is, don't start off with the "finance and project issue" at the centre stage. Have the people and their needs there. And as you look into these lives think about what will help them in the long run ...and start investing in that from day one, i.e. education, training, etc. I am sure the LORD will lead you into maximising your resources and making your projects strategic.

Beram Kumar

----- Original Message -----
From: "ywam" <ywam@telecom.net.et>
To: <Streams-Online@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 4:40 PM
Subject: [Streams-Online] dependency

YWAM Ethiopia is starting up our street children's project in the capital Addis Ababa. One of the problems we are facing is the chance of dependency upon the project by the target groups - the street children.

What I was hoping, was to get some advice from you in the forum with experience on how to avoid dependency. I have looked into other projects running here in Addis Ababa and one of the things that is a weakness that goes again is dependency. Just recently some of the NGOs operating here have taken the step to fight this weakness. Goal Ethiopia for instance have put one year limitation one the participant of the program. However they will not be able to measure if this will be successful or not before we hope to start our project.

Please will you all contribute with thoughts and experience to give me other views of this problem.

Thanks and God bless you all

Addis Ababa